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Deliverance Testimonies

Just wanted to report back to you that all is well and the ministry you sacrificed for me has been a huge help.  My bible reading is extra good and I believe I have moved into the favor of God once again. My phone is ringing (real estate calls), my peace meter has gone up a bunch, bible reading exceptional, having revelation again, seem to have a much more tender heart yet finding greater and deeper wisdom on how to use it and excitement to meet the Lord each day is the primary gift I can say I received out of our visit. .....Pastor Glenda Nichols, GA
I would like to say that every Christian should go  through deliverance. So many
of us often wonder why can't I get ahead.  After I went through deliverance, I
felt as though I could finally accomplish the  purpose that the Lord has for my
life. I began to hear from the Lord clearly.  I am beginning to enjoy my life
and get to know who I am as a person. I thank Apostle Battle and her team for
the vision of wanting to see God's children set free,delivered, and fulfilling
the Lord's plan for their lives. Mrs. Grimes, Atlans, GA
Kingdom Culture Ministries provides Deliverance Session's for people in body of Christ. We believe that there are demonic forces in our lives that hold us back from fulfilling the destiny that God has called us to. I John 3:8 says: He who sins is of devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the enemy. And this is exactly what we have been called to do. Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow those who believe; In My name they will cast out demons. Saints we have entered into a time where demonic forces have taken advantage of the body of Christ too long and the Lord wants us to be free. Here are some testimonies by people who have gone through our sessions:

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